
Drugs & Children
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2015;90(9):7
Paediatricians have always dedicated great attention and several diagnostic-therapeutic tools in order to tackle the gastroesophageal reflux, especially in early childhood. The most recent literature has scaled down the problem, attributing the gastroesophageal reflux to its paraphysiological...
Drugs & Elderly
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2015;89(8):6
Appropriate prescription of drugs in elderly patients is one of the biggest current challenges in clinical geriatrics. As is already known, the elderly often have multiple concomitant chronic conditions (multi-morbidities), which require the simultaneous use of multiple drugs (polypharmacy), which...
Drugs & Pregnancy
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2015;88(5):7
Migraine is a very common ailment in the reproductive age groups, with a peak prevalence of 25% between the 30th and 40th years.1 Generally, the symptoms of migraine improve during pregnancy, and return about a month after the birth. During the breastfeeding period, environmental factors, like a...
Phytovigilance & Supplements
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2015;87(3):6
Preparations based on green tea (Camellia sinensis) are one of the most widely consumed in the world, particularly in oriental populations. Historically, several beneficial health effects have been attributed to drinking this tea, and because of this, its potential biological activities have...
Drugs & Children
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2015;86(1):5
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used in paediatrics as antipyretics, anti-inflammatories and analgesics. They are products with high bioavailability, are metabolized in the liver and some (naproxen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen) partially in the kidneys as well. Their mechanism of...
Drugs & Elderly
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2014;85(11):6
Allopurinol is a drug that is widely used for the treatment of hyperuricemia, which is defined by values ​​of uric acid >6.8-7 mg/dl.1 At the end of 2012 in Italy the consumption figures for allopurinol, expressed as defined daily dose (DDD), was around 185 million.2 Allopurinol is often...
Drugs & Pregnancy
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2014;84(5):6
The risks related to influenza infection in pregnant women have been recognised for a long time.1 The pandemic of the virus A/H1N1 in the 2009-2010 season was no exception: pregnant women were at greater risk of contracting a severe form of A/H1N1 influenza than the general population, and those...
Phytovigilance & Supplements
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2014;83(7):6
Despite the use of phytotherapy is constantly increasing, consumers and health professionals often ignore important issues regarding possible interactions between herbs and drugs, their adverse effects or, simply, the ineffectiveness of many products. On the contrary, just because the use of...
Drugs & Children
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2014;82(5):6
Vomiting is a common symptom in acute gastroenteritis. It affects about 75% of children with rotavirus infection, interferes with oral rehydration and often determines the necessity for venous access and hospitalization with higher direct and indirect costs for the community and the family. The...
Drugs & Elderly
Focus Farmacovigilanza 2014;81(3):6
The pharmacological treatment of elderly patients who are affected by chronic pathologies is doubtlessly a relevant issue.1 Data provided by the OsMed Report confirm that age is the most influential factor for drug use in the population, with average per capita expenditure 11 times higher for 65...
